E. A. Barker


E. A. Barker

E. A. Barker

Erotic Romance, Humor, Advice & How To, Biographies & Memoirs, General Nonfiction, Parenting, Business

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    Apr 2017

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    Author/Publisher/Publishing Consultant


Serious E. A. describes himself as a collector of ideas and a purveyor of dot connections who caters to nonfiction readers. He is an advocate of education for its ability to affect social reform and actively promotes the idea that a global conscience is possible.

Fun E. A. writes fiction. While he would love nothing better than leading a screen-free life using a typewriter in a grass hut on a beach somewhere near the equator, he is committed, for now, to remaining accessible to his readers in a limited way. Each of his books has its own website/blog.

The You & I Erotic Tales Series can be found on twitter @EroticYou as well as on Wordpress at: YouAndI.art.blog

His first book Ms. Creant: The Wrong Doers!, can be found on Wordpress at: MsCreants.wordpress.com

He currently lives within walking distance of a beach in Ontario, Canada; although he is not happy about the short beach season and the city’s denial of his proposed erection of a private beach hut on the waterfront.

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